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Shade 8

概要新機能Shade 8シリーズの特長製品ラインナップシリーズ比較表動作環境バージョンアップ

Shade 8.5登場Shade 8.5 basicShade 8.5 standardShade 8.5 professional


Poser開発者からのメッセージ〜A Message to Shade Users,

Ulrich Klumpp /e frontier America Inc. Poser Product Manager

A Message to Shade Users

You might ask 'What is Poser?' I am sure that you have seen art created with Poser before, even if you are not familiar with the software. Many books, magazines and web sites are illustrated by artists using Poser in their creative process. We call Poser '3D figure design and animation software'.

Poser was initially created as digital mannequin - visual reference for artists that draw or paint. It is still the best tool available for artistic reference, but it has also grown into a heavy duty 3DCG application.

Poser features include dynamic cloth, and dynamic strand-based hair and fur. Poser is in the market for 10 years now. In those 10 years, it has become a remarkable tool for any creative task related to human figures.

But Poser is not only about depicting the human form. It also allows you to work with animals, robots, comic characters or anything else that has a posable skeleton

Even better, many different kinds figures, hair, clothing, poses props and materials are ready to use when you launch Poser for the first time. Poser enables you to output the 3D scene you created in a remarkable variety of ways.

Do you prefer still images or animations? As AVI or Flash movie? Do you favour a photorealism, a toon look or one of many handdrawn styles? Whatever it is, Poser has it all.

So you are here to learn about the new version of Shade. Why should you be interested in Poser then? Because Shade and Poser form a great team. Shade has tools for almost every task you might encounter in 3DCG.

Shade allows you to model and animate anything you imagine in 3D, including rigged characters. But it is so exciting and much more convenient to tap into the incredibly rich world of Poser content.

Pick one of the stock Poser figures, use the Walk Designer and load the animated scene in Shade with PoserFusion. Poser gives you access to cloth simulation and hair and fur technology. Voila, you have a figure walking through your newly modeled building.

As an avid Poser user, you will find a strong companion in Shade for creating all the 3D meshes you need in Poser. If you are striving for the ultimate realism in your renders and want to render in a network, Shade has you covered.

In the future, we want to bring you even closer integration between Poser and Shade. That means we plan to preserve every aspect of the Poser scene you open in Shade, including its sophisticated surface materials. That also means that we want to make it more convenient to bring Shade content into Poser.

I'm excited to see that version 8 clearly marks the peak of Shade's 20 year history. Shade is a great modeling tool. As a Shade user, you appreciate the power of bezier shapes and curved surfaces. But for some tasks, polygonal modeling yields the better result. So you will be happy to have the choice between Shade's traditional bezier modeling tools and the newly enhanced polygon modeling.

There is so much tradition in Shade, and yet the program is always on the cutting edge of 3DCG - if there is a new advanced technique to reach even more realism, you can be sure Shade will support it soon.

But of course, rendering quality is not everything. How you render is very important, too. So I think as a user of Shade 8 you will be very happy with rendering in the Shade Grid - especially since now even the basic and standard version offer access Shade Grid.

Let's enjoy making great digital art together. We give you the tools and you render your soul.

Uli Klumpp
Poser Product Manager













PoserFusionを用いて、ShadeにPoserファイルを読み込みます。微妙な曲面や材質館が重要な弓とヴァイオリンは、Shadeの形状を用いることにしました。カメラアングルを設定し、ライティングを施すことでShadeの写実的なレンダリングによって仕上げます。今回はシンプルな白バックでレンダリングを行い、Shade professionalの被写界深度プラグイン「DepthPlus」で自然なピンぼけを演出しました。





新版 Shade実用3Dデータ集

新版 Shade実用3Dデータ集 クラシックの森



Poser フィギュアパック 「Miki」

Poser フィギュアパック 「Miki」(2005年7月22日発売予定)

  1. 使いやすさを追求したモデリング機能
  2. 使いやすさを追求したアニメーション機能
  3. 使いやすさを追求したレンダリング機能
  4. 使いやすさを追求した他ソフトとの連携
  5. さまざまな使いやすさを追求したツール Shade 8
  6. Vueシリーズ開発者からのメッセージ
  7. Poser開発者からのメッセージ
  8. Shade 開発の現在と将来
  プライバシーに関する方針 | Shade onlineへのリンク | イーフロンティア | e frontier America, Inc. イーフロンティアロゴ  